Rose Glow Poetic Pits


Saturate senses and emanate the aromatic glow of your royal nature with this resplendent odorant.

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Regal Rose Otto shines in this delectably divine deodorant that combines sumptuous Sandalwood, lavish Lavender and the gentle juice of Roses over Geranium. What could be more refreshing, more luxurious, than consecrating underarms with the caress of pure rose petals in Living Libations Rose Glow Poetic Pits?
Sandalwood – Santalum album, Rose Otto – Rosa damascena, Roses over Geranium – Rosa damascena co-distilled with Pelargonium graveolens, Lavender – Lavandula angustifolia
Swipe once to charm each underarm. Please Note: Poetic Pits are 100% concentrated essential oils, so it is best to dodge damaged, inflamed, and allergic skin. The ingredients are selected from essential oils that are recognized as safe for the skin. As everyone has skin that responds uniquely, we advise users to patch test inside the elbow before using. Keep out of reach of children. For use on sensitive skin, dilute with Jojoba oil or try our Crème Underarm Charms.

Rose Glow Poetic Pits


Saturate senses and emanate the aromatic glow of your royal nature with this resplendent odorant.

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Regal Rose Otto shines in this delectably divine deodorant that combines sumptuous Sandalwood, lavish Lavender and the gentle juice of Roses over Geranium. What could be more refreshing, more luxurious, than consecrating underarms with the caress of pure rose petals in Living Libations Rose Glow Poetic Pits?
Sandalwood – Santalum album, Rose Otto – Rosa damascena, Roses over Geranium – Rosa damascena co-distilled with Pelargonium graveolens, Lavender – Lavandula angustifolia
Swipe once to charm each underarm. Please Note: Poetic Pits are 100% concentrated essential oils, so it is best to dodge damaged, inflamed, and allergic skin. The ingredients are selected from essential oils that are recognized as safe for the skin. As everyone has skin that responds uniquely, we advise users to patch test inside the elbow before using. Keep out of reach of children. For use on sensitive skin, dilute with Jojoba oil or try our Crème Underarm Charms.
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