Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle


The Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle is handmade in Rochester, NY using ethically sourced eucalyptus, a selenite sticklet, a piece of palo santo, and vintage fabric and yarn. Every bundle has a unique look, no two are exactly alike. Each piece is one of a kind, the size of the eucalyptus and crystals varies, as Catherine Rising works with natural materials.

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The Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle is handmade in Rochester, NY using ethically sourced eucalyptus, a selenite sticklet, a piece of palo santo, and vintage fabric and yarn. Every bundle has a unique look, no two are exactly alike. Each piece is one of a kind, the size of the eucalyptus and crystals varies, as Catherine Rising works with natural materials. Every Catherine Rising piece is assembled with care, by hand, by the close-knit team.

Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle


The Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle is handmade in Rochester, NY using ethically sourced eucalyptus, a selenite sticklet, a piece of palo santo, and vintage fabric and yarn. Every bundle has a unique look, no two are exactly alike. Each piece is one of a kind, the size of the eucalyptus and crystals varies, as Catherine Rising works with natural materials.

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Additional Information
The Joy Brass Bell Eucalyptus Bundle is handmade in Rochester, NY using ethically sourced eucalyptus, a selenite sticklet, a piece of palo santo, and vintage fabric and yarn. Every bundle has a unique look, no two are exactly alike. Each piece is one of a kind, the size of the eucalyptus and crystals varies, as Catherine Rising works with natural materials. Every Catherine Rising piece is assembled with care, by hand, by the close-knit team.
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