WOW Tea: Alkalizing


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A unique blend of organic and wildcrafted herbs designed to bring back homeostasis (balance) to your gut flora. These precious herbs help feed the good bacteria in your gut. It is our most popular blend

redientsMarshmallow Root , Burdock Root , Calendula Flower, Black walnut hulls , Plantain Leaf , White Willow Bark , Goldenrod Leaf , Comfrey Leaf , Valerian Root , Peppermint Racine de guimauve , racine de bardane, fleur de calendula , coques de noyer noir, feuille de plantain, écorce de saule blanc, feuille de verge d,or , feuille de consoude, racine de valériane, menthe poivree Bring 1 cup of the herbs to a boil in 4 cups of water and let steep for 7 minutes

WOW Tea: Alkalizing


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A unique blend of organic and wildcrafted herbs designed to bring back homeostasis (balance) to your gut flora. These precious herbs help feed the good bacteria in your gut. It is our most popular blend

redientsMarshmallow Root , Burdock Root , Calendula Flower, Black walnut hulls , Plantain Leaf , White Willow Bark , Goldenrod Leaf , Comfrey Leaf , Valerian Root , Peppermint Racine de guimauve , racine de bardane, fleur de calendula , coques de noyer noir, feuille de plantain, écorce de saule blanc, feuille de verge d,or , feuille de consoude, racine de valériane, menthe poivree Bring 1 cup of the herbs to a boil in 4 cups of water and let steep for 7 minutes
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